Daoyin Center Newsletter: Starting dates and events Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends
and friends of the Chinese arts,
this newsletter I wish to inform you about
- Our next week's new beginning
courses - as well as two special events. I myself am just freshly back from China where I've been training for four weeks in the center of our Master Daoyin Prof. Zhang. Like every summer, I learned a lot and come back full of new impressions. Anyone interested in photographic impressions of my journey, leaves just a little here by the Albums:
http://picasaweb.google.de/daoyinzentrum .
On the news side of the center under Daoyin
http://daoyin-zentrum.blogspot.com/ you will find a small greeting from Professor Zhang and his wife (79 and 82 years old) to the learners in the center Daoyin . The sentence is typical of the old masters and I imagine that he always says with a smile ...
New Courses with Tracy Davis on Monday, 17 August 2009
Starting next week, Tracy will start with their new courses in Daoyin center in the 34th Street Neuhäuser On our website you will find in the menu on the left under the link "Course Schedule" the appropriate information. Please direct your applications or questions directly by e-mail or phone Tracy Davis.
Starting at Uli Rosen: 20-21. August 2009 On Thursday / Friday begin after the school summer holidays Ulis new courses in the third quarter of 2009 from August to November: will await you in our center in the Driburger Straße 42 Qigong (kidney form) and Taijiquan / Tai Chi (correction of the 24 Peking-Form, Sword Form 33s). On our website you will find on the homepage link to Ulis extra flyers. Please direct your applications or questions directly by e-mail or phone to Uli roses.
events : FiguBalance activity day and event info On Sunday 13. September 2009, we re-organize the FiguBalance activity day: 15 to 19 clock you can see how we connect with each other in practical diet and exercise. Tracy and our nutritionist Dipl. oec. troph. Simone Overzier move and cook together and make you want more healthy life
... On Monday, 24 August 2009, we informed by 20 clock in a free information session on the concept FiguBalance.
On our website you will find on the homepage a link to these two events. Please direct your applications or questions directly by e-mail or phone Tracy Davis.
For further information, I am happy when we start talking. Many
Uli Rose